How should you breathe in a relaxed state?

How should you breathe in a relaxed state? Breathe in and out through nose with tongue sticking to palate and lips lightly in contact Activity of Diaphragm while breathing in and relaxation while breathing out 8-12 breaths per minute Silent (without any sound from nose, throat or chest) ReferenceMouth-breathing, malocclusion and the restoration of nasal…

Functions of Breathing

Functions of Breathing

Functions of Breathing Breathing is a key function of human body. It sustains life by ventilation of air and maintenance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. There is more to breathing. The other functions it performs are- Affects the control on voluntary movements Posture control Regulation of physiologic functions Mental and emotional well being Influences various…

About Diaphragm

What is Diaphragm?

What is Diaphragm? Diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle between the chest (thoracic) and stomach (abdominal) spaces. It is the main muscle involved in breathing-in. Diaphragm forms “Network of Breathing”. The functions it performs are Breathing function- Main muscle for breathing-in Posture control- By stabilizing lumbar spine Vascular and lymphatic system drainage Role in swallowing…