Cosmetic Dentistry

We, The Smile Specialists, can help you fix the appearance of a tooth and surrounding gum or perform a complete smile makeover. Whether you want to whiten or straighten your teeth or replace a missing tooth we can help you achieve that.

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

teeth whitening at dentist
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

It’s never been easier to brighten your smile now. We offer professional teeth whitening in single sitting. Your teeth can get upto 6 shades lighter. Get a sparkling smile today!

Gums contouring

Sometimes your gums can be lower or higher that affects your smile. We reshape the gums in a painless way. 

Achieve the normal contour and zenith of gums with us!

gum contouring at dentist
Gums contouring

Gums contouring

Sometimes your gums can be lower or higher that affects your smile. We reshape the gums in a painless way. 

Achieve the normal contour and zenith of gums with us!

beautiful and healthy smile at dentist
Smile Makeover

Smile Makeover

A smile makeover can fix broken, chipped, missing and discoloured teeth and uneven, unsightly gums. It can dramatically change the length, width, colour, and shape of your teeth to produce a uniform, vibrant appearance. It can address functional problems, such as a bad bite or malocclusion. You may need dental veneers, tooth-coloured restorations, teeth or gum contouring or just teeth straightening. 

Take an appointment with The Smile Specialists to transform your smile!

Dental Veneers

If you’re hiding your smile because of chips, stains, cracks or gaps, we have a solution that can make you want to show it off again. Porcelain Veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are placed over your teeth to cover up flaws. Strong and durable, they’re designed to mimic the natural translucency of enamel, so they look and feel completely natural. They can change the color, size, and shape of your teeth to give you a straight, bright, attractive smile.

Dental Veneers at smile specialists dental clinic virar
Dental Veneers

Dental Veneers

If you’re hiding your smile because of chips, stains, cracks or gaps, we have a solution that can make you want to show it off again. Porcelain Veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are placed over your teeth to cover up flaws. Strong and durable, they’re designed to mimic the natural translucency of enamel, so they look and feel completely natural. They can change the color, size, and shape of your teeth to give you a straight, bright, attractive smile.

tooth coloured fillings at smile specialists dental clinic virar
Tooth Coloured Fillings

Tooth Coloured Fillings

Instead of using metal fillings, we recommend tooth-coloured and natural looking composite fillings – we match them as closely as possible to your tooth color, making them virtually undetectable to the eye. 

The process is pretty simple. After the decay in your tooth has been cleaned out, we apply a cleansing gel to the area. The next step is applying a bonding solution, followed by the composite filling material. This is then hardened for a few seconds using a high-intensity blue light. The filling is shaped to ensure comfort, and you’re done!

Teeth Jewellery

We can add a twinkle to your smile by adding a jewellery. We do it as an add-on procedure with no harm to the tooth structure. You can keep it as a temporary or permanent change to your smile. Make your smile unique!

Teeth Jewellery at Smile Specialists
Teeth Jewellery

Teeth Jewellery

We can add a twinkle to your smile by adding a jewellery. We do it as an add-on procedure with no harm to the tooth structure. You can keep it as a temporary or permanent change to your smile. Make your smile unique!