Invisalign invisible braces


Aligners are transparent trays that move teeth.

With aligners, you can

  • Smile with Confidence at all times
  • Remove easily anytime
  • Eat anything anytime

For simple cases, Aligner Treatment can give amazing results in as low as 3 months.

Alignment Issues Aligners can fix

Choose to Smile with Aligners

aligners and braces smile comparison

Aligners vs Braces

Comparison of Aligners with Braces

How do Aligners work?

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    Step by step movement of teeth

    Aligners move teeth at the rate of 0.2 mm per month. This little rate enables teeth to move physiologically and without much discomfort.

Movement of teeth in little increaments
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    Gentle force on teeth

    Aligners apply very small amount of force on teeth. Sometimes not all teeth move at the same time, further decreasing the discomfort

Aligners apply forces under physiologic limits
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    Changes seen every month

    Movement of teeth with aligners is appreciable overtime. Initially, Aligners would feel tight. As the teeth move, aligners would feel little loose. This is when its time to wear the next Aligner.

Visible improvement in teeth

Aligners for all Ages

Aligners for Old
Aligners for Young Adults
Aligners for kids

How are Aligners made ?

At Smile Specialists, each step of Aligners manufacturing is guided by the Specialist, Dr. Shubhra Jain Mogre.

Advantages of choosing the Specialist for your Aligner treatment

  • Holistic treatment approach
  • Treatment under expert supervision
  • Wider choice of Aligner materials

Before and After Aligners : Drag the Slider

Aligner Treatment of spaces between teethAfter Aligners
forward teethTeeth brought back with Aligners

Cost of Aligners Explained

At Smile Specialists, we offer the widest range of Aligners to choose from, like no-one else.

We offer three different types of Aligners materials.

The difference is the composition, handling, flexibility and cost.

The final cost of your treatment would depend on the severity of tooth movement required to give you the desired smile and the material you choose.

We believe in holistic treatment. Before starting Aligner treatment, we examine

  • Health of gums and bone
  • Functions of tongue and oro-facial muscles

Adjunctive treatments like Orofacial Myotherapy, frenectomy etc. are provided for better results.

Estimated Cost of Aligners for you

Simple Aligner Treatment
3 - 5 months treatment time

5 – 8 Aligners

₹ 40,000 – ₹ 50,000

Moderate Aligner Treatment
6 - 9 months Treatment time

12 – 18 Aligners

₹ 60,000 – ₹ 80,000

Complex Aligner Treatment
1 - 2 years Treatment Time

30 – 40 Aligners

₹ 1,20,000 – ₹ 2,00,000

Have any questions? Call us Now!