Functions of Breathing

Functions of Breathing

Functions of Breathing Breathing is a key function of human body. It sustains life by ventilation of air and maintenance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. There is more to breathing. The other functions it performs are- Affects the control on voluntary movements Posture control Regulation of physiologic functions Mental and emotional well being Influences various…

About Diaphragm

What is Diaphragm?

What is Diaphragm? Diaphragm is a dome shaped muscle between the chest (thoracic) and stomach (abdominal) spaces. It is the main muscle involved in breathing-in. Diaphragm forms “Network of Breathing”. The functions it performs are Breathing function- Main muscle for breathing-in Posture control- By stabilizing lumbar spine Vascular and lymphatic system drainage Role in swallowing…

Positions in nasal breathing

Positions in Nasal Breathing

You can breathe through your nose and/or mouth. While you breathe through your nose, tongue should lie at the roof of mouth and stick there with gentle pressure. This pulls the base of the tongue ahead opening the airway and strengthens tongue preventing it from falling back and obstructing airway. During nasal breathing, lips should…

Benefits of nasal breathing

Benefits of Nasal Breathing

Benefits of Nasal Breathing Warms, moistens and filters the air Regulates (slows) airflow because of nose’s intricate structures Traps large particles with the nose hairs and small particles via mucous membranes Provides a sense of smell Retains some moisture from exhaled air, preventing nasal dryness Facilitates inhalation of nitric oxide – a vasodilator and bronchodilator…

The Correct Tongue Position

Hie Readers! The correct tongue position is essential for the normal growth of face and jaws. Changes in the tongue position affects the growth, position of teeth and overall health. In this post I am going to walk you through identifying the correct tongue position. You can also stand in front of mirror and replicate…